Perfect ABCs: Founding, 1.1

Starting another alphabet legacy because WHY NOT. I’m determined, and a little stoned so let’s get this ball rolling.

This is Perfect ABCs, a perfect genetics alphabet legacy. But the alphabet will be in reverse order, starting with the Founder, then Z.

Meet Penny Pixel, the newest resident of Pleasantview!

Penny is brave, neurotic, eccentric, schmoozer and of course dislikes children. Her LTW is CEO of a mega-corporation.

A side challenge I have going is trying to top as many careers as possible. Each heir must top a unique career.

A perfect starter home for an aspiring businesswoman who dislikes children.

One day she may even be able to buy something better.


And we ran into Mortimer Goth. He was the spouse choice last time, so I’m not going to choose him again.

Or any other pleasantview favourites for that matter. I’m going for someone not apart of the main storylines from sims 2.


The Oldies are so cute.

Day One of the spouse hunt was a fail, but Penny met a lot of sims!

Going to work hard for the money!

Penny met someone at work…someone special!

It’s Marisa Bendett!

Sims 3 version to be exact. She’s adorable, and has some genetics that may not over shadow Penny’s.


Now the rest of Pleasantview can give us a lot of spouse options! 😀

(Darren and Nina got together, and I’m a little surprised by that pairing.)

Anyways, they’re married now!

Marisa has some traits I failed to write down, and the same LTW as Penny!

It took them 5 tries to conceive the first baby.


Penny goes to work in the morning, leaving me with Marisa. She’ll go to work in the business career once the heir is born.

For now, I get to watch her watch TV. Riveting stuff.

Then I realized they had enough money for a computer!

And since Seasons isn’t installed, she can work outside. 😀

WOOO. First promotion!

Penny looks so pleased.

Marisa has taken up writing novels just in case this takes 5 or 6 kids to make the heir.

Marisa: OMG! I want a girl!

Penny: I sense a disturbance in the force…

Penny: Ah. You are pregnant. Well time to go to work.

Seriously, she stared at Marisa then left for work. No words exchanged.

Funniest thing I’ve seen in this save so far.

Not much happened, so here’s another promotion shot!

She’s breezing through the business career.

Meanwhile, Marisa is working on her career as a trashy novelist.

Marisa: Don’t judge me! This is a perfect genetics challenge, I may never get to go to work!!

Going to be honest, not much has happened besides going to work and writing.

Penny has taken up cooking!

She mostly makes salad and mac and cheese.


Penny, in the kitchen: BUT I JUST MADE DINNER. UGH.

It’s a girl!! Meet Zelda.

Penny: That was something I’d never like to see ever again.

Penny leaves for work as soon as they get home, then she proceeds to get ANOTHER promotion.


With all these promotions, the house got a mini upgrade!

I’m still having them save up for a better house, especially considering future generations have to fit.

Penny willing holds Zelda and she doesn’t explode.

Congrats on motherhood.

Penny: This is…something all right.

Penny, for someone who dislikes children, you do hog the baby a bunch.

Penny: No comment.

Ah crap, Zelda has all of Marisa’s colouring.

Time to try again!

Penny then WILLING rolled to teach Zelda how to talk and potty train her.

WTF Penny.



Very cute, but alas you do not have the same hair and eye colour as Penny.

Zelda: Drat.

Marisa failed to roll anything for Zelda, so I made her teach her how to walk.

You’re supposed to be the good one Marisa!

I hope this one is heir.

Marisa: Me too. I want to get started on my LTW at some point!

Once again, Penny looks dead inside.

I think she’s level 5 or 6 in her career here.

It’s only week 2 omg.

I wish all my sims were this productive.

Marisa is craving some mac and cheese, Penny is on it!

Okay now she’s level 6.

She needs to hold meetings now, awesome.



Meet Zachary!


Only 2 babies! I got lucky lol.

He also looks like he may take more after Marisa then Penny. Which is cool!

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